This optical illusion is so damn cool it will blow your mind away. Try...

Back in the early 20th century, the use of a hypnosis wheel was popularly known as a way to enter into a trance. When I...

This Isn’t an Image of Glossy Legs. You Can’t Unsee it Once You’ve Seen...

Take a serious look at this image. No, really, take a real serious look. Then say aloud what it is.Get it now? According to...

11-Second Video of a Woman Saying That a Man Named After MRT Station Made...

If you've been on TikTok over the past few days, you've probably come across this particular clip in one way or another. @stopjojo_ Never again...

10 shits that people who have abnormally gigantic mouth would understand

No, we're not talking about having a big mouth physically . We're talking about keeping secrets, or the inability to keep them. Some of...

Food Delivery Guy Cooked Food for Customer Himself ‘Coz the Wait is Too Long

Lest you’re not aware, here’s something new to you: food delivery firms usually pay their delivery personnel an hourly rate and also a fixed...

Chimpanzee Parent Canes Kid That Throws a Rock at Zoo Visitors

Remember how you used to kena whack when you didn't memorise your multiplication tables as a kid? Yep, even chimpanzees have serious Asian parenting skills, because they're...

The complete guide to the best April Fools’ Day 2016 pranks

1st April just passed, but some April Fools’ pranks may just remain golden. Do you know that the practice of pranking others on April...

Netizen ‘Unboxed’ & Reviewed Party Brochures in East Coast GRC From a Graphic Designer’s...

Lest you're unaware, unboxing reviews are pretty commonplace on video-sharing platforms like Youtube. Routinely encompassing a 'first impression' and (routinely) a comparative analysis with the...

American Said MBS is in Tennessee & S’poreans Flooded the Comment Section Perfectly

Mistakes - all of us make them and are allowed to do so... unless you're on the internet.  When you make a mistake in real...

8 types of enciks we encounter in the army that you either love or...

The moment a Singaporean male begins his National Service when he turns 18, he learns to give absolute respect to the man called the...