Here Are The Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Girlfriend If You Just Got...

Every relationship is different from the next one over and has its ups and downs. You finally found your special somebody that you're always...

Pepper eating contest is so hot competitors sit in an urn of water while...

Yes, this competition is as absurd as it looks. Held in Yunnan, China, 9 competitors stood waist-deep in pepper water while stuffing their mouths with spicy peppers. Imagine watching...

Boy Urinated at Lift Buttons & Karma Struck Instantly As It Broke Down

Lest you're unaware, karma's a bitch. And no, I'm not talking about the latest fad that's been sweeping the globe by storm. Rather, I'm talking about how...

Man in S’pore Uses Cat Photos to Scare off Birds at His Window Ledge

Mynahs and pigeons may look pretty on paper. But you know what they say; pretty things come with their own set of problems. And for John...

Man Bought Disinfectants from Lazada & Received Men’s Enhancement Products Instead

Before you ask the question, let me answer it for you: Yes, you can buy anything from Lazada, even stuff that can increase some inches...

Geylang NPC Won the Internet Again With Humourous Forecast of the Tiger Year

Last September, Geylang NPC showed us that the Singapore Police Force has their own Imran, too. The clothed version of the Mocca man made his...

Japanese Pool Player Was Victorious & When Interviewed in English, He Sang PPAP

Language can be a pretty daunting obstacle to overcome. And that's especially so if you're slapped with questions that sound like utter gibberish to you,...

5 super useless and fun things you can do with your calculator to impress...

Remember your graphic calculator from your JC or university days? You probably still have it lying around, because if you paid $150 for that piece...

Steve Jobs’ Daughter Implicitly Mocked the New iPhone 14, Hinting It’s The Same as...

Steve Jobs founded Apple back in 1976. While his inventions were truly remarkable as they sold over 1.3 billion iPhones worldwide since their launch. Apple's...

8 types of enciks we encounter in the army that you either love or...

The moment a Singaporean male begins his National Service when he turns 18, he learns to give absolute respect to the man called the...