Does the Passenger Pay the ERP While Carpooling? Here’re the Facts

When you carpool, who pays the ERP?Certainly, nobody wants to, but somebody has to. Ever since GrabHitch became a thing, some drivers have gotten...

10 NDP Songs That Are Still Classics Today, Unlike Recent Ones That Became Classified

In recent years, it seemed like the NDP songs haven't been so well-received, compared to those retro ones that kids are still singing in...

Yishun Has A Waterpark Located Within The Heartlands

The other day, I was playing a game of 'human personification' with my friend, Ah Kow. "How would you describe Choa Chu Kang as a...

Wrapping a Drink with Paper Towel (Or Toilet Paper) Cools It Faster in a...

As courtesy dictates, whenever someone visits our house, we are supposed to offer him or her drinks and snacks during the visit. Now, I'm...

After Years of Living With What I Thought Was Just a Random Hair Issue,...

Typically, one would associate hair loss with individuals in their 40s or 50s. Yet just over the past few months, I found myself losing...

10 Memories of TAF Club That Kids Nowadays Won’t Understand

For all the chubby kids back in the 90s, you'll definitely have joined the TAF club back when you're in primary school or secondary...

The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Wash Your Contact Lenses with Tap Water

Contact lenses users, I’m pretty sure you’ve been caught in this scenario at least once in your life. You take out your lens from...

There’s an Escape Room RPG Here in S’pore Whereby 1 of Your Friends is...

I can resonate with the word 'murderer' very well. No lah, don't get me wrong. I used to play a game called 'Murderer & Detectives'. You...

Volunteer Shares Heartbreaking Experience With Elderly Couple Who Don’t Have Bed To Sleep On

Although S'pore is a first world country that has the 3rd highest GDP per capita, there are people in this country who live in...

This S’porean Went From Factory Worker To Making $40K/Day As A Photographer

We all need an inspirational story to spice up our boring lives. You know, to liven things up, distract us from our mundane tasks every...