4 Last-Minute Deals for the National Day Long Weekend

It's no secret that last minute travel, while convenient, can be more expensive than planning a trip months ahead of time. However, with National Day...

20 Things to Do in S’pore with Bae That Doesn’t Cost a Cent

Going out for a date nowadays in Singapore can be an expensive thing. I believe all of us have tried to figure out ways...

10 Toys Kids in 90s Would Beg Their Parents to Buy For Them

If there is a time travel machine, I'm pretty sure whoever goes back in time would be shocked at what we used to play...

4 Things S’pore Millennials Should Do to Become Millionaires

According to a recent survey by TD Ameritrade, 53% of millennials believe that they will become millionaires. But, we all know that hard work alone isn't...

Ways to Make the Best Use of the Remaining 4 Public Holidays Left in...

For Singaporeans, there are 4 public holidays left in 2018: National Day on 9 August, Hari Raya Haji on 22 August, Deepavali on 6...

The Safest & ‘Most Dangerous’ Neighbourhoods in S’pore Based on Number of Crimes Reported

In general, Singapore has become a safer place over time. For example, the crime rate has decreased by 15% on the island in the...

4 Costs of Owning a Condo in S’pore That S’poreans Should Know Before Buying...

Property in Singapore is expensive, whether you are looking to rent, buy your first HDB or upgrade to a private property. Recently, the government...

6 Ways Preschools Under HDB Blocks Create the Kampung Spirit

Parents in general tend to form their own perceptions of the different types of pre-schools in Singapore. But do you know that even the...

Here’s the Ideal Time to Try on New Shoes So It’ll Fit Nicely Every...

Before I get any rotten eggs thrown to me, let me just get this out of the way: the best time to buy shoes...

There’s A NS Field Camp For Ladies Only Happening in Sep 2018

Ladies, does your boyfriend or husband always brag about his NS experience? Especially those times where he had to stay in the forest for days without...