There’s Something Known as Husband Hug Pillow for The #Foreveralone

We’ve all been through the phase of #foreveralone at some point in our lives. It’s especially tough when you see your pals from school, college...

7 Hacks to Fall Asleep Easier At Night So You Won’t be a Panda...

Insomnia is the general term given to a condition where someone has trouble falling asleep at night, and as a result cannot function properly...

Accounting Grad Would Rather Be An OBS Instructor Than Work An Office Job

For many parents of the older generation, their kids having a stable office job or becoming some kind of lawyer or doctor is pretty...

Study Shows That 3 Cups of Coffee a Day is Good For You

There are two types of people in the world—coffee drinkers and tea drinkers. I belong to the former. I know it sounds strange but my only...

Ladies, Here Are 10 Ways to Dress That’ll Make You Slimmer & Taller

So. You're not that skinny, but you want to appear skinny. There's no short-cut to losing weight, but there're apparently short-cuts to create an...

The Amount of Sugar in Coke After Boiling It Shows Why We Should Drink...

Now, first and foremost, I'm not telling you not to drink coca-cola, ever. Because hey, then I'll be a hypocrite. Who can resist a cold...

5 Ways To Get A’s & Improve Your Performance In Exams

Exams are a strange thing. On one hand, you recognise their validity. Their power. Their strength. They're, after all, an age-defying method to ascertain your...

10 Cheap Yet Fun Dating Places in S’pore For Broke Couples (Updated for 2019)

So you just got together with your girlfriend whom you met on Tinder a while back. She'd agreed to the "couple-date", and you're never more...

These Beautiful Walls in Kampong Glam Have Become S’pore’s First Outdoor Gallery

What are the first few things that come to mind when you hear the words "Kampong Glam"? Colourful rows and rows of shops, hipster cafes,...

10 Facts About the Haze Simplified So that Even a 5YO Would Understand

Whoever says that Singapore doesn't have four seasons probably haven’t lived here long enough. Contrary to popular belief, we do have four different seasons that...