If you’ve a kid at home and want him / her alive, you’ll better...

We all know how dangerous it is to leave a child at home alone: this is the reason why it’s always advisable to ensure...

Man Fulfils Wife’s Final Wish & Marries Her During Funeral After She Dies From...

Alright people, prepare your boxes of tissue and get ready to lie down. Because this story is straight out of a tragic romance movie. What's that?...

Should you lend money to your other half? Be prepared for this to happen

We all end up being part time loan providers at some point. I’ve personally given more to my brother than I can ever imagine. I’ve...

7 Signs That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Love is a fickle thing. It's not the easiest to figure out, and yet it's one of the ultimate end goals of a typical human...

11 Signs Your Partner Is The One You’ve Been Looking For

We've all watched romantic movies, read love stories, and even heard real-life encounters of ever-lasting love and hope that one day, we will, too,...

M’sian Man Photoshops His Face Onto Real Doctors’ Face To Scam Unsuspecting Women Online

Friends of mine who have used Tinder used to tell me stories about people catfishing them. Apparently, its a common occurrence which happens all...

Rich Brian Finds Love At First Sight; Slides Into Her DMs & Writes Song...

It's probably every fan's dream to get noticed by their favourite celebrity because they idolise them. It would be so cool to be friends with...

Can You Have Best Friends Of The Opposite Sex While You’re In A Relationship?

The real question is, can friends of the opposite gender stay friends? It's a debate that has been around for decades. You would know the...

How To Remain Friends Even After You’ve Broken Up

Breaking up with the person you love absolutely sucks. No ifs, ands or buts about it. The hurt stays for weeks, months or even years but we...

Bride Flies To Another City To Propose To Her Boyfriend In Wedding Gown

After all the recent news about molestations and deaths, is your outlook on the world a little grim? I'd understand. But fret not, because I have...