Vietnam Girl Pleads Online to Look for Dream Guy She Met in Clarke Quayb

Woman meets guy, think he's funny but missed the chance to get his contact details. Unable to forget him, he went online and posted...

10 Instagram-Worthy Places In S’pore To Do Wedding Shoots Besides MBS & S’pore Flyer

When we think of wedding shoots, the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) and the Singapore Flyer are surely the two most popular options that come...

5 type of BFFs that every girl in her 20s should have before she...

GIRLS, youth is a time when you form close bonds with your girlfriends. BFFs share common topics, have fun together, eye-candy guys together. Here...

10 Thoughts Only a Guy Who Has Been Friendzoned Will Understand

Lemme tell you something first. The “friendzone” doesn’t exist. Thinking that way implies that the only reason you’re trying to get close to a...

How To Break Up With Your Partner Without Breaking Their Hearts

Alright, I don't know why or how you stumbled into this article, but I imagine that you probably feel that something's a little off...

Sweetness Overload as Couple Who Met in Neopets as Kids Got Married

My mum used to tell me this: "Son, you can flunk all your grades. You can go ram your head on the wall. But...

Man Proposed to S’pore Woman With Ring on Cow’s Udder & Got Featured Internationally

There are three moments in a woman's life you cannot screw up: Wedding Day Proposal Meet the parents session If not, they won't let you...

10 confusing things girls say when they’re angry and what they really mean

Girls are very powerful creatures. They have you wrapped around their pinkie, and they have the amazing ability to make you go huh! Just like...

A Study Shows That Only 45% of S’porean Guys Prefer Cash as Val’s Day...

Valentine’s is just around the corner. So, have you planned what you’re going to get for your bae or crush? If you’re still in the...

A Girl Lists Down 5 Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys

Welcome to the 21st century, where shit gets weirder and weirder. Heard of the familiar stereotypes like “good guys”, “nice guys” and “bad boys”? ...