NSF Saves Fellow Commuter’s Life After He Collapses On Bus

A man was riding on bus service 241 at Jurong West Street 63 on Wednesday, 11 September when he suddenly took a gasp of...

14YO IT Whiz Earns $17k Per Year From Software He Created

Self-made millionaires are many; self-made geniuses are fewer. Or should I say, self-made genius millionaires? Bill Gates was one. Steve Jobs was another. Enter 14-year-old Muhammad Akmal...

Lee Eng Su, Co-Founder of Popular Nasi Lemak Restaurant, Died on Thursday (12 Sept)

If you’re a foodie, you’d know about The Coconut Club. The popular nasi lemak restaurant sells only nasi lemak for its main course, and there...

Video Exposes Horrible Food Safety Standards In China Mooncake Factories

Do you know where your mooncakes came from? No, I'm not talking about the legend of how mooncakes were said to be used to smuggle...

40 Cows & Owls Found Dead In Johor Due To Rat Poison

Countless cases of poisoning have happened throughout history. For instance, the second last Qing Chinese emperor was poisoned more than a hundred years ago. Modern cases...

Kallang River Gets $86 Million Upgrade to Enhance Flood Protection & Water Features

Climate change is a huge threat to the existence of Singapore, considering we're a tiny, low-lying island surrounded by nothing but water. Who knows when...

Man Uses Mop To Catch Python Outside Serangoon Nightclub

Snake encounters are not uncommon in Singapore. In 2013, an estimated 850 snake incidences were reported to the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore...

Doctor Who Took Drugs Given Demotion As He’s ’Young & Has Promising Career’

Remember all the evil doctors you see in K-dramas that has access to all the medicines and drugs? They are usually the ones administrating drugs...

Haze is Officially Back, Especially in the West of S’pore

Update at 4:25pm (14 Sept 2019): 24-hr PSI has hit 103 in the west. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s official: lai liao. No, I’m not referring to...

Everything About The Zika Cluster At Serangoon Gardens & Measures You Can Take

Zika virus arrived in Singapore on 2016. Since then, there have been cases reported every now and then. However, the news of it is resurfacing...