Australian Tourist Unhappy She Paid $176 For 2kg Of Durians At Chinatown In S’pore

Durians are known as the kings of fruits, but how much are you willing to pay for one? $176? If you are thinking who...

Local Singer Fined $30k For Evading GST On Branded Bags She Bought Overseas To...

"Eh bro I'm going to Korea soon. Want anything?" "Yes I want 10 pairs of FILA Disruptors." The above conversations might be familiar with some of you...

Workers’ Party Court Case Update: They’re Found Liable for Damages (i.e. Lost the Case)

It's almost a year and the Workers' Party trio is back on the new again. If you've forgotten, I don't blame you. After all, our memories...

Stalker Takes Upskirt Photos Of NUS Student & Followed Her; Fellow Commuter Catches Him...

It no longer feels like our streets are safe these days. It seems like pervs and molesters get more and more brazen with each...

HPB: 31% Of All Packaged Drinks Worryingly Packed With More Than 10% Sugar

Just recently, the Health Promotion Board and the Health Ministry announced that there'll be a total advertising ban on high sugared drinks. They will also...

Dog Caught on Video Carrying Woman’s Bag; Netizens Have Different Views About the Footage

Tip for the future boyfriend, if you make me angry, the fastest way to pacify me is to show me cute animals. Here, let me...

Man Sues Johnson & Johnson $11 Billion Because Their Product Made Him Grow Breasts

Imagine this: You suffer from a condition and your doctor tells you to take a particular medicine. It will help you, he says. And so, you took...

Man Who Drugged Woman to Steal Stuff Has Drugged 2 More People Before

This’s one whole new level of stealing. Last month, a Facebook user wrote a post about her grandma’s experience in a polyclinic at Queenstown. Apparently,...

Minister Says PMD Ban Not Needed Now & Most Users Are ‘Responsible’

Just a few days ago, it was announced that Singapore might have a total ban on Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) if people still anyhowly...

SUSS’ Convocation Speaker Says This Uni Was His ‘Last Choice’ But Chose To Be...

Convocation speech? People listen to that? Although most of us probably stay in a half-awake in autopilot hear-clap-you-clap mode during speeches like this, at least...