Pokemon Go Players Are Making Complaints to the US’s CASE Coz In-game Items Too...

We’re pretty sure you know what CASE Singapore is. In US, they have the Federal Trade Commission, or otherwise known as FTC. Both of...

SPF Uploads Dramatic Video of Officers Breaking into Sembawang Flat to Save Kid &...

Hostage situations aren’t really that common in Singapore, especially with our well-trained Singapore Police Force (SPF). You would agree that our homeland takes crimes...

In China, You Can Be A Millionaire Selling Cans of Clean Air

Would you pay real cash for...air? Many of us do not thank anyone or anything for air. In China, there is a huge environmental crisis...

10 Disturbing Facts about The KL Triple Family Deaths That Might Make You Feel...

We’ve all heard of disturbing and cruel murders, and some rather mysterious and confusing until the police solved these homicides. And one of these bizarre...

Guide Dog in MRT Goes Viral for All the Right Reasons

It’s not common to see a dog in an MRT train, and when you see it, it gets viral for all the good reasons. On...

Think NUS Camp is Bad? Wait Till You See HK Uni Camps

Remember back in July this year when NUS orientation camp activities exposed to the general public and the huge uproar it caused? Everyone was busy...

Everything About The E-Scooter Controversies Recently in 60 Secs

E-scooters (electronic scooter) or Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) is the talk of the town. Walk around the CBD area and you'll see plenty of...

Everything You Need to Know About Typhoon Megi in Taiwan in 60 Secs

Other than the pen-pineapple-apple-pen song, here's one other thing you should be aware of: Taiwan was going through a very difficult time. Typhoon Megi, also...

An Innocent Train Conductor Killed Himself After Train Delays Due to Passengers’ Rants

If you've always liked to complain about train delays and often scolded the poor frontline staff who are trying their best to help you,...

A Study Shows That 4% of Employees Are Fired For Playing Pokémon GO

While Pokemon GO has been a great hit and known as a “healthy game” since young people are coming out of their houses and...