Wow, you won’t believe that this is a void deck. I can’t even

At first glance, what do you think this is? The latest hipster café? A restaurant with a theme? Or maybe, a void deck? Well, you’ll be...

People aren’t happy that this S’porean said his wife is submissive. But what’s the...

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you would have known about this Facebook post that has taken Singapore by storm. So, here’s the context:...

Yesterday, it was reported in the news that Running Man might be cancelled. Here’re...

Running Man fans, now, you’ve got one more reason to cry. It is no secret that the ratings for Running Man have been declining in...

This woman has won the Internet. Here’s why every S’porean should be like her

Recently, this photograph of an un-amused woman taking a ride on Splash Mountain at Disney World has been making its rounds in the Internet's...

9 April Fools’ jokes that went so wrong that people actually died

First of April is just around the corner and many people, the young ones especially, are already scrounging up ideas from wherever to come up...

In 2017, F1 racing won’t be the hottest race event anymore, here’s why

Tired of watching the repetitive races of Formula One every year? It can be a little boring to watch (or at least try to)...

Ben & Jerry’s is getting all S’poreans to report for ICT, and it’s awesome...

Here’s a trick question: Who doesn’t like ICT? Well, except for the mothers and wives who have to wash those dirty Number 4s, everyone...

This sick guy buys puppies to feed his pet snake, and has the cheek...

If you have a pet, what lengths will you go to to keep it alive? Apparently, this selfish man is willing to sacrifice other...

Wah, M’sia might close school due to the heatwave. Whereas in S’pore…

It’s sort of official over here in Singapore: if you place an egg on the ground in an unsheltered area, it will be cooked...

Everything you need to know about the kopi price increase in 60 sec

The next time you buy your kopi siew dai and notice yourself paying more than before, it's probably one of the 100 odd coffee...