This painting is so cursed, it kills its owners and…

Supernatural powers and beliefs exist all around us with many people believing in it, especially the older generation. After all, stories that our grandparents told...

8 Unorthodox Hungry Ghost Festival Taboos That S’poreans Might Not Know About

The Gates of Hell will open once again for all its ghostly occupants to roam freely in our earthly realms. One thing’s for sure: the...

10 Creepy Documentaries Scarier Than Any Horror Movie

Horror movies are scary. That goes without saying, of course. But horror movies are not the scariest things you can watch. There’s always this...

All the creepiest ghostly encounters in the north, south, east and west of S’pore...

Whether to believe them or not, it's up to you! But for us, we'll definitely be staying home at night as much as possible. North Yishun...

This Footage Might Make You Have Toilet-Phobia for Months

I swear, the last time I heard a story about some haunted toilet I literally never entered a public toilet for weeks. Then this...

5 Scariest Pokémon GO Encounters Documented Online So Far

With many pitstops, gyms and lurking Pokemon located at all kinds of locations in the world when the game launched, determined self-confessed Pokemon Masters...

Paranormal Activity: Doll Caught on Camera Blinking Eyes & Opening Latched Case By Itself

If someone told me about paranormal activity, I would believe it. Does it help that this month is Halloween month? Absolutely not.  While it might be a...