In this Spooky Realistic Game, You Found a Phone & Must Locate the Owner

The premise of this game is extremely simple, but it’s also extremely innovative: you find a phone and need to track down its owner. I...

Footage of What Happens when a Fly Lands on Your Food Got 1 Million...

After the viral video of worms crawling in egg trays, I am extra careful when I am buying food coz’ one can never be...

Snapchat Captured Something So Ghastly, The Internet Scream

Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook have been abuzz on something that’s truly scary. The kind of scary that you want to roll up in bed...

5 Signs That Your HDB Flat is Haunted

Do you hear voices or strange sounds at home? Do your things get moved around? Are you having troubles falling asleep? It is difficult to...

8 Unorthodox Hungry Ghost Festival Taboos That S’poreans Might Not Know About

The Gates of Hell will open once again for all its ghostly occupants to roam freely in our earthly realms. One thing’s for sure: the...

10 Creepy Documentaries Scarier Than Any Horror Movie

Horror movies are scary. That goes without saying, of course. But horror movies are not the scariest things you can watch. There’s always this...

This ‘Possessed’ Maid in an HDB will Give You Nightmares for Days

So you've heard of many spooky stories that might or might not have given you goosebumps. But this? Trust me, even if it doesn't...

Watch: ‘Paranormal Activity’ Captured On Camera As M’sian Tries To Eat His Meal In...

I'm not a fan of horror. I've always hated horror movies no matter how ridiculous they may sound. Some people may not believe in the...

This Spooky Selfie Went Viral Overnight. Can You Tell Why?

Sometimes you don’t need excessive paranormal CGI or lots of monsters to make a creepy photo. Sometimes the most innocuous photo can be incredibly...

10 Eeriest Non-Photoshopped Ghost Photos ‘Coz It’s The 7th Month

If the 7th month isn't bone-chilling enough for you, perhaps you should have a look at these photos that will guarantee that you sleep...