11 Things Cashiers Hate That Customers Should Know

If you’re a cashier or you've once been one, you’ll know that the job simply isn’t about standing there and scanning items. It’s a relatively...

10 Things People Who Work in Retail Have to Endure Every Day

Retail jobs are often associated with long working hours, having to serve unreasonable customers with an unfaltering smile, and meagre pay for all the...

10 Jobs in S’pore That Might be Taken Over by Robots in 10 Years

If you think that the threat of robots taking over jobs is mere speculation by science fiction writers, think again: in 2016, a President...

11 Ways to Be More Productive During Working Hours & Say Goodbye to OT

Kee chui if you find this familiar: in your office, there’s always that one person who can work, like, two times faster, and yet...

10 Things a Homeowner Can’t Get a Foreign Domestic Worker to Do (But Some...

You’ve just hired a foreign domestic worker for your home. It’s completely understandable, especially when there’s so many things that needs to be taken...

10 Types of Boss That Cause High Employee Turnover Rate in a S’pore Company

Having a dream job is more than just doing what you like. There are plenty of other factors at play here, including but not...

10 Facts About OT in S’pore All S’pore Employees Should Know (Includes MOM Overtime...

Understanding Overtime Pay in Singapore: An Essential Guide While over here in Goody Feed we believe in efficient time management and, consequently, have a no-OT...

10 Things To Do At Work So You’ll Stay Mentally Healthy & Happy

Work can be mentally draining, especially if it is a 9-5 office job. You will be sitting on your chair for 7 hours but by...

In 2017, There Were 558 Major Workplace Injuries in S’pore. You Can Put a...

This is a guest post contributed by Ling. Earlier this month, the Workplace Safety and Health Council launched a “Safe Hands” campaign to raise awareness...

Latest S’pore Labour Market Report Shows Some Good & Bad News. Here’s What You...

Welcome to this article, fellow responsible working adult (or soon-to-be). Well, I just kinda assumed that… since you actually bothered to click on this...