3 Free Career Networking Sessions in 2018 That’ll Help S’poreans Get Back in The...

This is a guest post contributed by Julia. Everybody wants to do well in their career. Whether it be to earn more money or to leave...

10 brutally honest truths you need to learn before you start work or your...

If you are a working adult now, do you remember the first few years when you have just started work? Do you remember how...

Bulk of Classified Ads in S’pore Newspapers Are by Firms Looking for Cleaners or...

In the recruitment section of local sections, more than 60% are dedicated to hiring cleaners and Food and Beverages (F&B) personnel. A Human Resource (HR)...

7 real and sad reasons why some S’porean Gen-Y are dangerous

By now, it’s an open secret that some of the Gen-Y youngsters—those born between 1980 to 2000—have got some serious attitude problems: from having...

9 Reasons Why S’poreans Do OT. Which One Are You?

Overtime, fondly known as OT in Singapore is a common complaint among office and non-office workers. It is perhaps the main reason why Singapore...

8 Things S’poreans Should Do Before Quitting Their Job

Here are some numbers to shock you: in 2017, the average monthly resignation rate in Singapore was 1.8%. Having said that, if your company has...

Restaurant Couldn’t Find a Dishwasher Until They Offered $3,500/Month (& It’s Still not a...

The Food & Beverage Industry is always facing manpower shortages. There’s this… underlying stigma where Singaporeans think white-collar jobs are far better than blue-collar jobs,...

10 Signs During Your Job Interview That Show You Are Not Going To Get...

Have you ever gone for a job interview thinking that you snagged the job only to be let down with a rejection over email...

9 Health Problems Associated With Office Workers & What You Can Do About It

Work is something that is unavoidable for many of us. And in order to make a living, many of us are constantly stuck in the...

Fewer Graduates in 2020 Found Full-Time Job; Many Turned to Part-Time or Temp Jobs

One would think that with a degree, you could do pretty much anything. Get employed. Garner a respectable starting salary. Get a significant other who's all thirsty for your...