#TuesdayTruthday: Goody Feed Beings Reveal Their Worst Childhood Experiences

We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you've been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24...

#ThirstyThursday: Pokka Teazzle Sparkling Ice Lemon Tea Review: Think Tea But With Bubbles On...

So for this week’s Thirsty Thursday, we’re going to go with something interesting. Something that you've perhaps heard of before. It’s Iced Lemon Tea,...

#Tuesday Truthday: We Reveal Our Deepest Darkest Fears

We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you’ve been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24...

#ThirstyThursday: Ben & Jerry’s Netflix & Chilll’d: Hello? Peanut Butter World??

Full disclosure: we didn't pay for this ourselves since this was a media invite. But you'd know that we're not biased even for free...

Beware of Plant-Based Meat Because It’s ‘Ultra-Processed, Says Meat Producers

If you've tried the Impossible Burger, you'd know that miracles do exist. Despite using only plant-based ingredients, the geniuses over at Impossible Foods have managed...

Penang Uncle Creates Beautiful Garden Out Of Abandoned Land, But Jealous Neighbour Destroys It

The Earth is dying, and many of us couldn't care less about it. Take me, for instance. I could very easily just bring a...

#FastFoodFriday: Popeye’s Fiery Cheesy Chicken: The Stars Aligned For This

Someone sue Popeye's for false advertisement here. Yet another fast-food chain misrepresenting what they're selling. But this time... it's different. It looks better than advertised. Impossible. Take a...

#MovieMonday: 1917: Keeps You Invested Till The Very End

Let's be honest. I'm not a war movie kinda person. I don't stroll into a movie theatre and tell my fiance, "Hey babe, let's watch...

Elderly Street Vendor Walks 6km Everyday To Sell $0.43 Ice Kacang To Support Son

There are many powerful forces in this world - magic, sorcery, friendship, and perhaps the most important one of all, love. Love, especially that from...

Should You Comfort Your Newborn Or Let It Cry All Night? Here’s What Studies...

For starters, I hate children. And I say this with a burning conviction. People have told me that it is in your 20s that you will...