Guy Successfully Trolled His Friend by Posing as Thirsty Chiobu with New Number

Imagine this: one day, you receive a message from an unknown number. It’s allegedly from a girl in your school who thinks that you’re...

Man Trolled Wife Perfectly with Image of Him with Long-Haired Dude

What makes a relationship, especially marriage, last long and strong? Surprises. When you come up with surprises that make her heart race from time to time. We...

Cat Literally Walks on Catwalk & Models Still Put on Poker Faces

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-p-poker face...Lady Gaga's song came into my head as the video ran on. Poker face is right, this is exactly the expression the...

Kids Dressed Up as Bubble Tea for Halloween ‘Coz Bubble Tea is That Scary

What do you think of when you hit upon the word 'Halloween'? I'm guessing scary stuff, like Valak, Voldemort and Steven Lim in his...

Cutest S’pore Video of 2018: Man Wore Helmet Wrongly & Laughed It Out

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just got famous globally. There’s no need for a Trump-Kim summit that cost SGD$16.3 million or a movie that cost SGD$41.3...

S’pore Best-est Ah Lian FB-Live Seller’s Latest Video Uses ‘Seaweed’ & ‘Sandwich’ To Explain...

Back in the 90s, we had home-shopping channels where hosts explain about their products to viewers. You know, the "But wait! Call now and...

Video Showing Asian Celebrity Lookalikes Would Confuse Ang Mos

Lest you're unaware, there's a shit ton of celebrity lookalikes in this world. Sometimes it's by choice... ...and other times, it's just genetics. But more often...

9 S’pore Jokes That People From Other Countries Won’t Get It

If you’ve watched Crazy Rich Asians, you’d have realized there’s a joke that only Singaporeans would have understood. But let’s face it: some of...

10 Signs That a Person is Now an ‘Uncle’ Even if He Denies It

Time is unforgiving. Left unchecked, it will rob your youth like a merciless computer virus, and renaming you into “Uncle”--a term used in Singapore...

Namewee Has a ‘Bojio’ Song That Can Be Used When Friends Bojio

Sick of your friend constantly bojio-ing you, whether it's to the movies, cinemas or the toilet cubicle? Or heavens forbid; are you the dude on...