A Person Creates a Game About Life During Circuit Breaker in Old-School RPG Style

Circuit Breaker may have driven some of us insane with the restriction of movement. Phase One kind of makes it better but life is still...

Bungalow in S’pore, The Size of 100 Basketball Courts, Looks Like Paragon & Cost...

I remember the first time I visited a friend's private apartment and it stunned me as a kid. A little pond, three stories high and...

Man Invents Facemask That Has Lights That Can Show Your Mouth Action & Even...

Amidst these trying times, one single apparel has become an absolute must-have: A face mask. Granted, while routine face masks admittedly do little to protect you...

Neopets Just Revamped Their Website That Can be Used on Mobile Phone

From the looks of it, Covid-19 seems to share a really strong affinity with the term 'nostalgia'. Club Penguin Online, for instance, served as a...

Irvins S’pore Teams Up With Pokemon To Launch Pikachu-Themed Products

Irvin's Singapore sells one of the best salted egg chips you'll ever taste. Reader Bao: Hear, hear. But doesn't Irvins remind you of something else? Reader Bao:...

LIT DISCOvery: A Virtual Symposium To Help Singaporeans Find Jobs & Keep Them

What will life be like after the Covid-19 pandemic? Will this crisis irrevocably damage the economy and stifle my career development? Will I be able to...

Taiwan Clothing Brand Came Out With Mahjong Shirt Which Can be Bought for $32

For some reason I can never fathom, Singaporeans just seem so obsessed with Mahjong. Till this day, I still can never get their obsession with the...

Xiaomi Has a Mini USB-Powered Portable Air-Conditioner That Costs Just $40

Three things are certain about life in Singapore: Death, CPF, and the heat. The Singapore sun is an unforgiving beast, melting residents into puddles of...

8 Best Singapore Podcasts to Listen to as We Continue to WFH for What...

As we continue to stay home – to work or not – very so often than not, we will get a little lethargic. Cabin...

Why You Should Never Leave Your Hand Sanitisers in Your Car

Hand sanitisers have never been more popular. Sure, you may have purchased a couple of bottles in the past to make your hands smell like...