10 Best Christmas Gifts Girlfriends Hope Their Boyfriend Will Give Them But Never Say

Christmas is coming up, and you have no idea what to get for your girlfriend. And that's bad, really bad. Troubled, you run crying to your best...

10 Christmas Gifts Boyfriends Hope Their Girlfriend Will Give Them But Never Say

This December… the city will light up. Festive cheers will envelop the nation. Screams of joy will be omnipresent. But somewhere, in a dark secluded house,...

Letter to Ms Diana Ong from a Victim of an Online Scam in S’pore

I have a confession to make. I've been scammed. That's the reason why I've been avoiding you. Not because you have a boyfriend. Definitely not because...

Life-Size Lanterns, Fire-Breathing Performances & More At Golden Autumn Celebrations (Until 12 Nov)

Is your BAE getting bored of you? Is your relationship getting stale, and in serious danger of falling apart? Or do you feel that Singapore is...

You Can Now Do ‘SOC’ in a Shopping Mall & Win Some Vouchers. Serious.

Anyone who has been in the army in Singapore would know about the dreaded Standard Obstacle Course, commonly known as SOC to us NSFs...

Interested In Studying Overseas? This Is The Last Overseas Education Fair Of 2017

I've never been a keen admirer of local universities; not that they aren't good, but more of the fact that I've never been drawn to them. I...

This Website is Driving Skin Care Shops Out of Business. Here’s How

If you go around Singapore and look at the retail scene today and you'll see a very sorry sight. Not many customers in the malls...

The Ultimate Guide to Turn Your Old Car Into a New Car (Without Buying...

If you own a car, do you remember the day you first bought it? There it was, looking so sleek and shiny, something worthy to...

How Do Cockroaches Get Into Your Car? Here’re The Facts

Most, if not all, of you reading this article find cockroaches disgusting and terrifying. Because they're like the Superman of the insect world. And when...

You Might Not Know This, But Your Hair Could Be Ageing Faster Than Your...

Okay, here's one bombshell you probably didn't know: Your hair ages and it ages at a phenomenal rate.I'm talking about 6 times faster than...