The reason why a wedding ring is on the fourth finger is super romantic

We’ve always known that wedding rings are exchanged and worn on the fourth fingers, otherwise known as the ring finger. But have you ever...

10 signs he’s just being a good colleague and nothing more

In the office, you may make friends, and you hope, something more. Here’s for the ladies out there wondering if that nice colleague is...

10 things a girl do that steal a man’s heart like a thief

Have you ever wondered how that girl stole your heart? How she has made you feel like you can't live without her? Liking or loving someone...

10 moments when a boyfriend needs his girlfriend the most

Just like how a girlfriend need her boyfriend at times, a boyfriend would also need his girlfriend at certain moments too.It works both ways and it’s all...

8 benefits of marriage that you probably didn’t think of

Marriage is the union of two people who love each other - it's being legally bound to each other and being there for each...

8 weird reasons why a girl who likes to scold her boyfriend is the...

Girlfriend: Eh I got give you scoldings meh? Boyfriend: Of course not... Yes, we all know of girls who like give their boyfriends scoldings. Be it...

A Psychologist Says That Farting Openly With a Partner is a Sign of a...

So your dinner date had gone pretty well. You're now in his car, as he drives you home. He tells a really funny joke, and...

10 Millennial Dating Slangs That People Who Used to Say ‘Ai Stead Mai?’ Won’t...

The dating world has evolved—for the better? That is still debatable. These days, with numerous dating apps, your soulmate can be a swipe away. But with such...

7 Mistakes Women Make With Money That You Should Avoid If You Are Saving...

A peek at the balance in your POSB account can either make you happy or make your mascara run. That’s a fact. You think you’ve...

Husband With Terminal Cancer Starts Hawker Stall With Wife So That She Can Run...

Last Wednesday (30 Mar), Melvin Chew, one of the administrators of Hawkers United – Dabao 2020 Facebook page, read about a story of an...