Wah, M’sia might close school due to the heatwave. Whereas in S’pore…

It’s sort of official over here in Singapore: if you place an egg on the ground in an unsheltered area, it will be cooked...

Everything you need to know about the kopi price increase in 60 sec

The next time you buy your kopi siew dai and notice yourself paying more than before, it's probably one of the 100 odd coffee...

WOW: Soon, you could have an e-IC in your smartphone. I can’t even

Lo and behold, having an e-IC in your smartphone can be a thing here in the near future. Called "The Mobile Digital ID," it would...

Smokers, soon, there’ll be more no-smoking areas. Here’s what you should know

Smokers take note! Starting very soon, the smoking ban in Singapore will be expanded to ensure that the effects of second hand smoke do...

OMG, you won’t believe how many stray cats and dogs were put to sleep...

Singapore may not be a big country, but it is home to many of us and also various animal species.  It is estimated that there are about...

Nurse was splashed with gasoline and almost set on fire because…

Death is inevitable and it will happen to all of us one day. Either us, or our loved ones if we're unlucky. We just have to accept their...

You won’t believe how a couple cancelled their wedding because of… biryani

We've all heard of wedding being called off for a myriad of reasons, from the wedding planner running off to the death of a...

On 25 March, Tanjong Pagar Railway Station will be even more Instagrammable

A lot of us remember the good old days of Tanjong Pagar Railway. Back then, besides taking a bus or driving all the way...

Someone just proposed having a village for all singles in S’pore and it got...

The birth rate in Singapore is low and our government has been actively persuading singles to get married and couples to give birth. So far, the...

Everything you need to know about the mobile price war that has begun in...

We've all heard about the big price slashes by Singapore's three main telcos and we're vaguely aware that it's because of an announcement by...