The shocking truth of what wi-fi really stands for is incredibly unbelievable

WIFI – the one thing that can cause immediate panic and excitement to most of us. Did you know what does it really stand...

Now, You’ll Be Notified When Someone Posted an FB Image of You Even If...

You've gone to great lengths to make sure that all photos of you online are perfect: You hid tagged photos that made you look like...

10 Latest Facts About Huawei’s HarmonyOS (Version 2.0) That’ll Be in All New Huawei...

When it comes to smartphones, there are really only two options to choose from: iOS and Android. Other operating systems do exist - including one...

Don’t Say Bojio: Catch ‘Em All By Getting Your Very Own Pokemon AirPods Case

I want to be the very best,  Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause. I'm pretty sure...

10 Takeaways From NTUC’s Latest Digital Savvy Executives Workshop That’ll Help In S’poreans’ Daily...

This is a guest post submitted by JWong.  Upskill, future-proof, be a better person today than you were yesterday. This is all fine and good, but...

This Device Translates What You Say into Any Language You Want

Imagine travelling to your desired destination. Everything is perfect, really. Except that every time when you're trying to get around somewhere where you don't...

You Can Now Hum a Song on the Google App to Search for the...

For the longest time, we've subjected our perky little fingers to the most unimaginable abuse possible: Making them dance across the keyboard as we look...

A Laptop Filled with Malware & Virus is Sold For SGD$1.8 Million

On a normal day, anyone trying to sell a laptop filled with viruses would be considered out of their mind. However, in the world of...

First Case of a User’s iPhone 7 Catching Fire Reported in Australia

iPhone users, if you've been laughing at Samsung users for the past few weeks, it might be a good idea to stop now. Samsung might...

Huawei Smartphones Defy Beliefs About China’s Products, Allegedly Blocked Bullets & Saved Lives

Companies and people have been trying to prove the durability of products by subjecting them to harsh, sometimes inhumane, stress tests. Like IKEA and their quality...