Data of Gender Wage Gap in S’pore Shows There’s No Improvement in 10 Years

Singapore ranks as one of the leading countries in the world in terms of closing the gender wage gap. In the World Economic Forum's...

4 Questions S’poreans Need to Ask Before Quitting Their Job

Now, most of you reading this article are probably looking for validation to change your job. Or like we Singaporeans like to say, jump...

3 Free Career Networking Sessions in 2018 That’ll Help S’poreans Get Back in The...

This is a guest post contributed by Julia. Everybody wants to do well in their career. Whether it be to earn more money or to leave...

8 Things S’poreans Should Do Before Quitting Their Job

Here are some numbers to shock you: in 2017, the average monthly resignation rate in Singapore was 1.8%. Having said that, if your company has...

10 Types Of Employees That Confirm-Plus-Chop Are in Every S’pore Office

Very unfortunately, some of us actually spend more waking hours in the office than at home. Singapore, being such a competitive society, has turned...

8 Differences Between a Workaholic & a High Performer in an Office

It’s pretty difficult to tell the difference between a workaholic and a high performer at first glance: both would look busy, have no time...

10 Things People Who Worked in F&B Hoped Diners Would Know & Understand

The F&B industry is a demanding job, not just physically but mentally, too. If you think all it takes to be in F&B is...

5 Ways to Increase the Chances of Finding a Dream Job Without Compromising on...

Are you a fresh grad? Or maybe, you're finishing your last year of studies and joining the workforce soon. A recent survey showed that one in...

10 Things Strawberries Do During Work That Give Them a Bad Reputation

The term "strawberries" might be unfamiliar to some of you, but they essentially mean people of the younger generation who can't seem to get...

10 Things a Boss in S’pore Can’t Do, If Not He’s Breaking the Law

Let’s face it: in a competitive society like Singapore, you’re being conditioned to say “Yes” to every demand from your boss, because making him...