10 Spring-Cleaning Hacks For Those Who Haven’t Started Spring-Cleaning For CNY Yet

CNY is coming, so it’s time to get your house in order! How are you possibly going to get everything looking shiny and new when...

10 Rather Unknown Ways to Use Less Data in S’pore, Especially for FB, IG...

We all know the importance of Internet: Without them, our life is almost incomplete. Wait, correction: without Internet, our life is completely incompletely. If there’s...

How to Untie Curry / Drink Package

For ages, we have struggled to find the correct spot. Gritted our teeth as we try to squeeze our fat fingers in. Spent eons attempting to...

Days You Should Take Your Annual Leave in 2021 to Turn 4 Long Weekends...

The dates of 2021 have been released and Covid-19 or not, there's only one thing we care about: How many long weekends do we get...

Someone Has Found a Way to Seal an Opened Cereal Box & It’s a...

I've never really had breakfast as every day was just a rush to school. There wasn't much time to eat breakfast, given how I'm...

How to Resize a Normal Face Mask to a Kid’s Mask in 1 Min

By now, everyone on the streets looks a tad better and 20 years younger since everyone’s masked up. For us adults, wearing a mask isn’t...

Starbucks Lids Apparently Have a Secret Function That You Probably Didn’t Know

First, we found out that the small pocket in our jeans isn’t for our coins. Then we realized the loop on the back of...

3 Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Driving Test Results in S’pore

Everyone knows that in Singapore, there’re reckless drivers whom we don’t understand how the heck they got their driving lesson. Well, here’s the truth:...

10 Psychological Tricks That Can Influence or ‘Control’ Other People Easily

Or How To Be An Influencer 101. Have you ever wanted to mess with a person’s mind just to show how much of a ‘mind...

8 Ingenious Way to Say No to Pushy Salespeople So You’ll Walk Away with...

I'm sure many of us have had this experience before. There you are walking along the streets and someone approaches you to get you...