These Images of #TaobaoFails Show Why 一份钱一分货

You'll definitely know the exact meaning of 一份钱一分货 when you see these images from Taobao orders. They will explain it themselves. It is ridiculously funny when...

[VIDEO] Seeing This Thai Orang Utan Build Its Own Hammock Will Blow Your Mind...

As the year of the monkey have just passed, a video of an Orangutan building its own hammock went viral and has been quickly picked...

10 ‘Oh-So-True’ Signs that Shows You’re a K-Drama Addict

In this day and age, it is not uncommon to find people talking about K-drama all day long. People simply love the characters in...

S’pore Couple Has a McDonald’s Gatecrash, Upped the Game for Wedding

Wedding gatecrashing ideas are getting so creative, we’ve seen Power Rangers, Superheroes and even PAP members. And wedding photos are getting so creative that...

Man Who’s Born on 25 Dec Named ‘Merry Christmas’ Coz Parent Don’t Wanna Think...

A 54-year-old man living in East Java was named Slamet Hari Natal, meaning Merry Christmas, because he was born on 25th December 1962.He held...

Couple Waited 30 Min for Convenience Store Cashier to Wake Up, Then Stomp Her

What would you do if you enter a convenience store in the middle of the night, and see that there’s no cashier at the...

This Hilarious Video That Shows You How to Use the Toilet Properly is Perfect...

If you're a frequent goer of public toilets, you'll wish that someone taught the guy before you on how to use the toilet properly.The...

M’sian Chiobu Complains About Thefts on FB but People are only Interested in Her...

Theft is serious business. Especially if it takes place in broad daylight, sometimes even during important exams. But guess what? Sometimes, even theft itself isn't...

10 Things That Only The People Living In The North Of S’Pore Can Relate...

Living in the north of Singapore, you would always be thinking can I just stay at home, or Do I have direct bus? Are you staying...

Man Tried the “Coupons No Stock” Excuse to Escape Summon, End Up Getting Fined...

Ran out of new parking coupons? Or simply want to try your luck with the LTA officer? No problem - one joker decided to...