Top 5 Essential Apps for SMEs & Small Startups To Boost Productivity
Being part of a startup or a small company is as exciting as it is challenging. Each member in a startup’s team will have...
10 Ways People Make Money Online in S’pore as a Side Job
These days, it seems like working from 9 to 5 isn’t really enough. Especially when you want to splurge and you’re looking at butterflies...
10 Unspoken Difficulties You Wouldn’t Understand Unless You Are A Writer
Writing serves 2 purposes. Some people write to express themselves while others do it to educate and entertain the public. Whatever it is, writing...
10 Signs During Your Job Interview That Show You Are Not Going To Get...
Have you ever gone for a job interview thinking that you snagged the job only to be let down with a rejection over email...
5 legit reasons why you should have an office pet in the workplace or...
Companies are now more open to the idea of welcoming man’s best friends into the workspace. As much a phone call to an online...
Top 10 ways to improve your productivity at work so you can get promoted...
How do you maintain productivity at work? It might sound simple in theory, but let me assure you that it's hard as hell to...
10 common actions most of us are doing at work that might get you...
Getting a job nowadays is as difficult as keeping your job, there are countless things that you can do to get yourself fired. (It’s...
5 things your interviewer is thinking of in your job interview and why you...
One of the most stressful things you have to go through when you are actively looking for a job is the interview process. This...
10 important questions you have to ask at your job interview to put you...
Whether it is a part-time stewarding job in a restaurant or a full-time office job in a bank, most employers would want to know...
10 toughest jobs in S’pore only tough people can do
There are tough jobs everywhere, ranging from long hours work to work that require manual labour. Or perhaps, work that deprives you of happiness...