10 Rather Unknown Ways to Use Less Data in S’pore, Especially for FB, IG...

We all know the importance of Internet: Without them, our life is almost incomplete. Wait, correction: without Internet, our life is completely incompletely. If there’s...

Here’s How to Turn Any Drink into a Carbonated Drink within Minutes

How does a cup of carbonated kopi-O sound to you? Or even better, carbonated Milo? SodaStream is getting some traction in Singapore with its promise to...

10 Ingenious Cooking Hacks As Recommended By Chefs Themselves

You’ve been wanting to unleash your inner Racheal Ray or Guy Fieri. The thing is, though, it takes them literally minutes to complete a...

Here’s How You Can Recover From Sunburn Quickly (With Common Household Items!)

Getting sunburns are one of the most annoying pains we, unfortunately, are well-acquainted and familiar with on this sunny island. Especially for those of us...

Follow these 8 hacks to whiten your skin fast!

If you are constantly moaning about how you were just born tanned even though you would like to be as fair and white as...

This hack allows you to open a soft-drink without getting splash—true or false?

Ever open a can of soft drink hurriedly without waiting for the gassiness to subside? One minute you’re in your perfect outfit and the...

Here’s How Often Should You Actually Need to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Let's be honest—how many of us actually clean our makeup brushes? On the outside, your brushes may not seem too bad or too "dirty", but...

6 Ways Buffet Restaurants Use Mind Games to Make You Eat Cheaper Food (Buffet...

Whenever you go to a buffet, you always say you're so hungry and can eat an entire cow, but you always get full and...

A Trick to Remove Sticker or Price Tag Residues Within Seconds

If you’re a parent dealing with children, you know the aftermath of having stickers for your children to play with. Your darling kids get...

Influencer Shows That Some MRT Station Staff Will Give Masks If You Forget to...

We can be prone to forgetfulness. Seriously, when the mask mandate first kicked in back in 2020, how many of us had to walk back...