Man Slammed After Claiming Cai Png With 1 Meat & 1 Veg at $1.90...

Last Sunday, a Facebook user by the alias of Terence Tay took to a food-based group to complain about the price of his cai...

10 sinful thoughts that only foodie would be able to relate: Are you one?

There is nothing better than indulging in delicious food every now and then. However, there are some people who love food much more than...

Little Girl Gets Confused Over Game Boy ‘Coz There’s no Touchscreen

Times sure have changed. Back then, we were all little tots, playing with sand or paint, and getting our parents all worked up. Now we have...

M’sian Worker Wants to Quit His $3,400/Month Job As There’s Nothing Much to Do

While most of us have probably wished at some point in time that our boss would stop giving us so much work to do,...

6 types of students in secondary school that are extinct now

As our society changes ever so quickly, the theory of evolution states that it is all about the survival of the fittest; certain traits...

10 embarrassing things a girl would do at home when she’s alone (but never...

Being girls, there are things that we do in the comfort of our homes; things that we will never repeat them anywhere else.I mean,...

10 realest shits about motion sensor taps that piss you off more than smelly...

Every time you finished your "business" you need to wash your hands, these are the 10 realest shits about motion sensor taps that piss...

20 Laugh-Die-You Ah Beng Jokes to Poke Fun At Bengs & Sengs

Having a bad day? No worries, these jokes will get you through the day. Just remember to take breaths while you're laughing! 1. What to...

Man Managed to Sell 3D2N MBS Staycation He Planned for His GF Before They...

Break ups are terrible, but they are even worse when you’ve planned something special and it ends up for naught. Take it from Facebook user...

10 Mean Ways People Describe Ladies Who Use Way Too Much Makeup

Pretty much every girl out there puts on makeup, to impress that first date, or simply to make themselves feel more confident. But sometimes, some...