20 Things 90s Kids Did That Kids Nowadays Would Catch No Balls

In the 90s, the closest thing to a smartphone was a brick known as Nokia 3310. We had to make do with mere SMSing, and...

10 Innocent Mistakes to Avoid While Shampooing That S’poreans Didn’t Know Of

So you think washing your hair is easy? Think again. Many of us might have been washing our hair wrongly, resulting in dry, flat hair...

Study Shows Optimistic People Live Longer & Are Less Prone To Heart Attacks

If you thought that being happy is just new-age nonsense, then it's time to seriously reconsider because here's some hard evidence. The Science of Happiness In...

5 S’pore Shopping Malls That Were Built Before You Were Born

With so many shopping malls popping up all over the country, it is easy to forget some of the older, less glamorous shopping malls...

Experts’ Suggestions on Which Part of the Body to Spray Perfume On So It’ll...

Given how hot and humid Singapore is, applying perfume or cologne is something most, if not all of us do. But do you know where...

Don’t Say Bojio: EZ-Link Launches Two Super Cute Hello Kitty EZ-Link Cards

Before BTS, this superstar actually caused a riot at McDonald's outlets. And while BTS needs to sing, dance and give fan-service to garner fans, this...

Study Shows Crying At The Right Time At Night Helps You Lose Weight

Do you enjoy watching sad, tearjerker films or heartwrenching dramas every night after you come back home from work to rest and unwind? What if...

Coach Launches Naruto Collection With Michael B. Jordan With Sneakers, Backpacks & Clothes

Recently, I was introduced to this animation called Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, and while watching it I remember having one explicit thought: Damn, Boruto's dad...

Baby-Faced Filipino Teacher Is Actually 23 Years Old

There are some things in life that are hard to believe. 1. That people like pineapple on pizza. I know the world is divided on...

Don’t Say Bojio: Masters Of The Century Event Happening End-October 2019

I think it's everyone's goal in life to be successful. To make a lot of money, to bring information to the world or even the...