If you share these 8 gross things with your partner, then you guys are...
Love is gross, really. The things you do when you are in love is even worse. But of course, love is blind. So it...
9 weird habits your girlfriend might have that she’s not telling you
Have you wondered why your girlfriend is secretive about the things she does sometimes. You don’t really understand what’s going on when she asks you to...
Based on a study, how much a S’porean woman spend on shoes in her...
1,000 women were surveyed across Singapore and Malaysia about their shoe-shopping habits, and can you guess what's the shocking news that they found? Singaporean...
10 realest reasons why girls are attracted to a man who can play an...
Think saxophone, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, pianos, drums. These are the instruments that women swoon over when men play them. Are women attracted to...
7 Signs That Your Partner Is Cheating On You
Love is a fickle thing.
It's not the easiest to figure out, and yet it's one of the ultimate end goals of a typical human...
10 brutally honest signs that your friendzoned level is completely irreversible
Wondering if your crush is treating as a friend or something else? Well here are 10 signs that can help you out to find...
Man Took First-Ever Flight In His Life To Meet Japanese Online Girlfriend & Married...
That's something special about first times. And usually, it's for someone special.
Now, imagine if somebody does something for the first time just for you.
Especially something...
S’porean Couple Who Met on Diablo III Has the Coolest Themed Pre-Wedding Shoot Ever
Since young, our parents have always told us not to talk to strangers online as it can be dangerous. However, this couple, Alvin Lau and...
10 devious tricks girlfriends use to keep their boyfriend at home when they’re not...
When girs are not with their boyfriends, they might get paranoid and insecure. They may not want to show it to their boyfriends, because...
10 really sad differences between breakup in your teens and breakup in your 20s
Remember the first time that you had your heart broken? For most people, it would be very memorable. However, as we age and experience...