These Are the Top 10 Secret Questions S’porean Girls Always Wanted to Ask Guys

If there is an account to answer every single question girls want to ask guys, it will probably be flooded. From unusual habits to...

If you’ve not set these 9 relationship goals with your S.O., your relationship is...

Having a relationship that’s real is more than Instagram updates on where you’re eating and Facebook posts on how you’ve survived another year together. Its...

How To Break Up With Your Partner Without Breaking Their Hearts

Alright, I don't know why or how you stumbled into this article, but I imagine that you probably feel that something's a little off...

1111 Meaning: Why 11:11 is so Magical for Couples to Send “I Miss You”...

Well, everyone knows there's a 1111 meaning and we’re often told to text our boyfriend or girlfriend “I miss you,” or make a wish...

8 ways for girls to prevent that “bro-zone” when all they want is love

What's worse than being friendzoned by the guy you have secretly liked for months? Being bro-zoned, of course. Even though this means that he...

Survey Shows Half of S’poreans Will Reject a Potential Partner If He / She...

What do you think is the number one dealbreaker when you're trying to get a girlfriend or boyfriend? Could it be your looks? Or maybe...

10 relatively unknown benefits of sleeping next to someone whom you love deeply

If you're in a relationship or married, your may think nothing much of sleeping next to your partner. In fact, some of you might...

6 reasons why a girl who nags at you is the best girlfriend ever

Psychology has done it. It has proven that people tend to find a partner who is in one way or another similar to a parent....

Accurate seh: the zodiac sign you belong to can reveal how good you are...

No matter how much we say otherwise, there is still some small part within us that believes in zodiac signs and their characteristics. We've...

What do you think of a man who doesn’t help out in housework? Here’s...

There’s one thing that is blatantly true in almost every apartment. Men just won’t lift their hands up to do a bit of housework. I mean,...