All the real-life spooky encounters in a park near NUS that’ll make you have...

If there’s one park that you should really avoid going at night, it’s definitely Kent Ridge Park. Located in an ulu location, you’ll need...

Reported Stories That the Real Annabelle Doll ‘Escaped’ from Museum in 2020 Aren’t True

No matter how brave you think you are, you'll probably take a look at this doll and go, I wouldn't want this in my house. Yes,...

Remember Chucky? You Can Now Buy His Sister For The Price Of $1

Do you think a $1 antique life-size doll might be a good deal? Well after reading this story, think again. Remember Chucky? The 1988 doll...

10 Places in S’pore That Are Still Believed To Be Haunted

Whatever you do, don't look behind you now. That's what your friend would say to you if they were trying to scare you. Many of us...

This ‘Possessed’ Maid in an HDB will Give You Nightmares for Days

So you've heard of many spooky stories that might or might not have given you goosebumps. But this? Trust me, even if it doesn't...

This Footage Might Make You Have Toilet-Phobia for Months

I swear, the last time I heard a story about some haunted toilet I literally never entered a public toilet for weeks. Then this...

This M’sia school was shut down due to this spooky occurrence that is still...

I'm sure you have heard about the "screaming" school in Malaysia, did you not? In today's age of science and logic, there still exist places and...

Freaky Video Of Woman Wearing All Red By The Road In S’pore Caught On...

I'm not a fan of spooky stuff. If you've ever heard me watching a horror movie, the first person to scream is probably yours truly. The...

After watching The Conjuring 2, a S’porean couple experienced this spooky encounter

It’s common to have nightmares after watching a horror film, but how about having a real ghostly encounter instead? A Facebook user, Damian Ng Yih...

This true ghastly encounter during the seventh month isn’t for the faint hearted

I’m not exactly a superstitious person—having studied overseas for more than three years, the logic of ghosts being on overdrive for only one month...