The Correct Way To Wash Your Face So You’ll Look Like a Superstar All...

There’s a popular saying that your eyes are the window to your soul, but if you expand it a bit, we can say your...

How to Untie Curry / Drink Package

For ages, we have struggled to find the correct spot. Gritted our teeth as we try to squeeze our fat fingers in. Spent eons attempting to...

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting proper sleep at night can really make your morning and the coming day. YET, there’s been times where you go to bed by...

Ants Magically Appearing in Unattended Sweet Food. Here’s Why and What Can You Do...

One moment you’re leaving a half-eaten cake aside and the next thing you know, there’s an army of ants attacking your leftover sweet treat...

Use These 6 Tricks to Remember a New Friend’s Name Easier

Don’t you find it frustrating and annoying when you can’t remember that someone’s name? This is bound to happen when you meet a lot of...

This hack allows you to open a soft-drink without getting splash—true or false?

Ever open a can of soft drink hurriedly without waiting for the gassiness to subside? One minute you’re in your perfect outfit and the...

8 Ways to Charge a Smartphone Faster, Like It’s a Nokia 3310

The process of charging our phone has become routine in our lives: like sleeping, we Singaporeans need to charge our phone almost every day,...

There’s a YouTube Channel with Videos of Super Tight Carparks in S’pore

Given the limited land spaces on this tiny island, Singaporeans often have a hard time looking for parking spaces. And honestly, the weather makes the...

Here’s How to Turn Any Drink into a Carbonated Drink within Minutes

How does a cup of carbonated kopi-O sound to you? Or even better, carbonated Milo? SodaStream is getting some traction in Singapore with its promise to...

10 hacks to have that perfect nap on public transports

We lead busy and tiring schedules and it is common to see people dozing off on the MRT or buses every day. Most of...