Calbee Teaches You How to Turn Your Empty Potato Chips Bag into a Pencil...

Going stir crazy at home to the point where you binge eat tons of potato chips and have no clue what to do with...

School Leavers, This Is One Hack No Successful Businessman Will Teach You

So you have just received your O level or iGCSE results and you are not sure which path to take. Sure, you want to...

Here’s how you can cut an apple into 4 slices with just your bare...

Have an apple but you want to eat in slices? If you’re out, you definitely won’t have a knife (well, we hope) to cut your...

Student Shares Tips on How to Get Student Discount in SIA Flights

Now that the school holidays are officially here and the COVID-19 travel restrictions have been lifted, are you looking for a small getaway to...

10 driving tips your instructor never teach you

You’ve just started learning how to drive. Did you know that not everything about driving can be learnt from the book or with your...

Starbucks Lids Apparently Have a Secret Function That You Probably Didn’t Know

First, we found out that the small pocket in our jeans isn’t for our coins. Then we realized the loop on the back of...

7 hidden traits of super attractive guys you probably didn’t know

Imagine this: you're walking down the street and this tall broad guy with sharp, chiselled features walks past you. You find yourself glancing back,...

If You See These Warning Lights on Your Car Dashboard, You’d Need to Stop...

If you drive, you should know that the lights on your car dashboard are not just there just to glow and look pretty. Some cars...

8 Other Uses of Eggs Besides Cooking & Eating Them

We all love eggs, right? But you might wonder about the other uses of eggs. They're considered one of the natural wonders of the food...

5 practical tips on how to make your smartphone photos look a lot more...

Smartphone cameras have come a long way. Some photographers even make careers out of mobile photography—photographer Matt Louder uses a Huawei and an iPhone...