This S’porean Man’s Viral Ad as Boyfriend for Hire Makes You Want Him as...

We can all see our aunties’ questions way before they’re even asked, and it’s going to be no different this Lunar New Year. However,...

No Boyfriend This CNY? There’re Some BFs for Sale in Carousell, But Mostly No...

Every CNY, there is confirm at least one relative who will ask you if you have a boyfriend yet. This question is normally for...

10 Primary School Memories That’re Scarier Than Dentists

Remember seeing the dental nurse (or a student with a cotton ball inside his mouth) walking into your class, and hearing your name being...

10 Awkward CNY Questions That’ll Create an Awkward Situation

Chinese New Year is always the period of time when we visit relatives we only see once a year and we can barely remember...

10 Things you Have Done During Your Secondary School Days You Don’t Dare To...

Oh, come on. Admit this.Secondary school days are probably the period of time when we did all sorts of mischief with our friends in...

Wanna Kana ‘Marked’ by Relatives? Try Asking These 10 Questions During CNY

Brace yourselves for the CNY interrogation! It is a time where you get to learn a bit more facts about your cousins...or perhaps, annoy...

5 Good CNY Excuses You Can Use to Siam Going to Relatives House This...

What is CNY without Bai Nian? Going to relatives' houses to Bai Nian is no easy task, for sometimes we meet distant relatives that we don't even...

5 ‘Confirm-Will-Work’ Ways to Avoid Giving Angbao When You’re a Married Couple

For those married couples out there, CNY would always be the period where you fret over your Ang Bao expenses. Want to know some...

Admit This: 10 Things We All Do IMMEDIATELY Once We Reach Office

Do you start your work immediately when you reach the office? Ah, come on, be honest to yourself. Do you really spend the first...

10 Creepiest Earrings From Around the World Only Daredevils Dare to Wear

Earring has always been an accessory loved by many, both males and females. Not only does it spice up your outfit but also adds a...